RP Perspective: Karin Järvet
This year, Rud Pedersen Public Affairs in Tallinn hosted clients and partners at Opinion Festival, or Arvamusfestival, as it is called in Estonian. This year, they had a successful collaboration with our Helsinki office – inviting Finnish clients and partners to participate in the Estonian event.
"The fact that the interest to come here has been increasing each year, proves it is a successful format for our clients", says Karin Järvet, Project Manager at Rud Pedersen Public Affairs in Tallinn.
The Covid-19 pandemic limited Estonia's political festival last year. This year, Rud Pedersen was able to arrange a full day stage and four panel discussions together with clients and partners from Estonia and Finland during the two day festival in the city of Paide in central Estonia.
What did participation in the festival give to our clients?
"For them it was useful to be there, to listen and follow discussions to better understand the political landscape in Estonia. It also creates opportunities to approach politicians, organizations, and governmental representatives in an informal way. The Estonian event has an informal atmosphere that creates a very open environment for discussions."
How can we collaborate within the RP Group with political festivals in different countries?
"Ask your clients if they are interested in meeting stakeholders in other countries. We know the local people and the opportunities in our own countries. We can help each other and cooperate to arrange panel discussions or meetings during these festivals in different countries. Just as we in Estonia and Finland did this year. This is also a possibility to strengthen the connections within our group."
What are your hopes for the Opinion Festival next year?
"I hope to be able to welcome more clients from Finland and clients from other countries who come to Estonia with our Rud Pedersen colleagues."