Morten Rud Pedersen

CEO and President, Global

Morten Rud Pedersen is the Founder, President and CEO of the Rud Pedersen Group. Morten has extensive experience in everything from strategic advice and communication to crisis management and project implementation. He started the Group with Rud Pedersen Public Affairs in 2003, and the firm has since developed successful operations in 18 countries based on Morten's concepts, creating a unique and high-level strategic communications and public affairs service. Rud Pedersen Group was named EMEA Public Affairs Consultancy of the Year in 2023.

Before starting his own company, Morten worked as Managing Director of ETUC (European Labour Movement) in Brussels for eight years and was Special Advisor for the former Party Leader of the Danish Social Democrats, Mr. Mogens Lykketoft.


Rud Pedersen has offices in 20+ cities in key European countries

Zagreb, Croatia
Brussels, Belgium
Sofia, Bulgaria
Prague, Czechia
Copenhagen, Denmark
Tallinn, Estonia
Helsinki, Finland
Paris, France
Berlin, Germany
Rome, Italy
Riga, Latvia
Vilnius, Lithuania
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Oslo, Norway
Warsaw, Poland
Madrid, Spain
Stockholm, Sweden
Gothenburg, Sweden
London, United Kingdom
Kyiv, Ukraine